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Displaying 31 - 40 of 76
Product CAT.# Size Price
Anti-Rat PKC-beta II PK23 0.1 mL $255.00
Anti-Rat PKC-delta PK33 0.1 mL $255.00
Anti-Rat PKC-eta PK48 0.1 mL $255.00
Anti-Rat PKC-gamma PK28 0.1 mL $255.00
bNOS Specific Peptide NS26 0.1 mg $105.00
cDNA Probe, Human iNOS NS04 0.001 mg $305.00
cDNA Probe, Murine iNOS NS02 0.001 mg $305.00
Chicken anti-Human Estrogen Receptor Beta, Purified IgY ER01 0.1 mg $375.00
Colorimetric Nitric Oxide Assay Kit NB98 Kit $300.00
Corticosterone EIA kit EA66 Kit $475.00