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Displaying 41 - 50 of 76
Product CAT.# Size Price
Cortisol EIA Kit EA65 Kit $270.00
Estradiol EIA Kit EA70 Kit $350.00
EZ-Prime Human-bNOS Primer EZ08 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime Human-eNOS Primer EZ09 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime PKC alpha Primer EZ60 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime PKC beta Primer EZ62 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime PKC delta Primer EZ66 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime PKC epsilon Primer EZ68 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime PKC gamma Primer EZ64 100 rxns $160.00
EZ-Prime PKC zeta Primer EZ80 100 rxns $160.00